Thursday, August 28, 2008

What do you think our worship looks like to a child?

"But Jesus called for them and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs'" (Luke 18:16).

I am invite you to reflect on our worship service from the perspective of a child.

Thank you and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

OK, here goes. This is a first for me as well. I have a funny true story that is also very telling in light of you question. My youngest son used play church on our back porch. He would stand up on a chair with his arms out and speak in a very deep voice. Once, when we were on a retreat, he was sitting on my lap during one of the adult bible study sessions. he pointed at different members of the group and ask me the same question. First he pointed at a women with a guitar and asked, "what's she doing here?" I explained that she was helping us sing. Next he pointed to the leader of the group and asked, "What's he doing here?" Again, I explained that he was teaching us about the Bible. Then he pointed at our pastor who was sitting in the back of the room listening and said "What's God doing here?" To our children our worship service can mean many things and look like many things but we, as adults, should never loose site of the impression we are making on them. You just might by a child's impression of who God is.

Pastor John said...

Wow! that is great insight and sobering too.

Thanks for taking time to contribute.

Stephanie said...

I am not that old so I think I will just recap what worship meant to me as a child. I didnt really like going and thought it was something only for adults. At every "serious" part I was sent to children's church because I assumed what was being talked about I didnt need to know.
I think alot of children think worship is something only for adults because at times they are do not take part in the service.

That was only my impression as a child. I am not sure if Trinity does a children service but I think at times it can be over a child's head. Thanks!